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Starting A Concierge Pediatric Practice

concierge pediatric practice

Case Study: Starting a Concierge Pediatric Practice

Dr. Rashmi Jain
Southern California
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Concierge Medicine, Concierge Pediatrician, Pediatrics
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BABIESMD: Concierge Pediatric Practice in Orange County

The concept of getting personalized care for your children is quite interesting. However, it was unknown and hardly any other provider was practicing Concierge Pediatrics in the area. That meant that although the population was ripe to explore this idea, it would involve a lot of education and marketing to get the practice started. 

The challenge was to establish a new brand, educate parents on the benefits of concierge for children, and strategize attractive pricing models.

Key Areas of Support:

  • Marketing & Strategy

    Setting overall strategy and a fresh approach to marketing the pediatric concierge practice.
  • Operational Optimizations

    We implemented work-flow optimizations, automation implementation, cost improvements, automated billing, efficient call handling, doctor scheduling, pricing research among others.
  • Reduced Cost of Operations

    We implemented EMR, billing, scheduling and accounting at our expense. We reduced purchasing cost to the clinic with a specialized GPO. We also reduced transactional cost by switching to reduced fee credit card processing.
  • Patient Education

    We incorporated several sources to reach target parents. This included social media, seminars and talks, guest appearances on media and much more.
  • Regulatory Compliance

    We provided guidance on Regulatory matters and HIPPA compliance.
  • Memberships Management

    Fully automated and error free billing and membership management including bank grade security and oversight on accounting to ensure all proceeds are accounted for.
  • Strategic Pricing

    We improved profitability of the clinic by aligning the pricing structure with the market. We introduced new services and products that further improved clinic's profitability.

What started as a challenge to setup a concierge pediatric practice has now grown into a successful growing practice. The practice distinguishes itself in providing care and therapies not otherwise available in the area. Parents love the care and attention and Dr. Jain is considered among the best Pediatricians in the area.

We are proud to have setup this pediatric concierge practice into a success and look forward to working on the expansion plans now in place.